Electric Bidets
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£1023.40 £928.79Maro D'Italia DI600 Premium Italian Design toilet bidet seat
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Requires cold water supply and a 220-240V 50-60hz power outlet to heat the water and to enable other functions, such as, heated seat, air dryer etc. Read more.
- Non-Electric Bidets
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£137.60 £106.12Maro D'Italia FP104 - Non-electric bidet toilet seat - The original high pressure model
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Only cold water supply is required. Easily connected to the corner valve nearby or the flush tank / cistern via a T-adapter, which is supplied with all Non-electric bidets. Read more.
- All in one
Featured product
£4,970.76 £2,999.00Roca In-Wash INSIGNIA In Tank floorstanding - Premium Roca smart toilet
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These are toilets that are a combination of a Toilet bidet seat and the toilet itself. ROCA models and some combinations we offer also have integrated flushing. Read more.
- Hand Held Bidets
Featured product
£172.00 £101.70Maro D'Italia LuxSTA23 - HYDROBRUSH hand held bidet - Made in Italy
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Simple shower head used to either clean youself or the toilet. Connected to the water tank supply or the corner valve. It is a cost effective bidet solution. Read more.
- Accessories
About Accessories
Filters, Matching toilets, Flushing systems, Screws and installation sets. Read more.
- Spare Parts
About Spare parts
Electric and Non-electric bidet seat spare parts. Read more.
- Sale Hot!
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£790.00 £419.25Maro D'Italia DI800 Piave Aqualet - Duroplast Italian Design toilet bidet seat (OPEN BOX)
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Products on Sale. These are all the products that have a limited time promotion and have an additional discount. Read more.
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- Ecology
Product was successfully added to your shopping cart.Ecology
We can save at least one forest. A family uses for a whole forest of toilet paper in their life. The costs of making toilet paper are also high, not to mention various chemicals that are also used in the process of making. The solution? Ban the toilet paper. Is the idea strange? Not at all. Many cultures around the world don’t use toilet paper. We are on track with bidet toilet seats. It’s a good decision for our body and our environment.
Help prevent deforessation by using less toilet paper
Slogan: don’t just think about ecology problems, do something! Photo: BBS- A man uses an average of 12 kg toilet paper per year.
- By the age of 83 a man uses 1000kg of toilet paper.
- For 1000kg of toilet paper we need 17 trees, 122 liters of fuel, 4000 kilowatts of energy, etc.
User experience:
Marry Walden, lawyer
I support the preservation of nature. The toilet paper manufacturers should be punished because they are taking our oxygen right in front of our eyes and sell us toilet paper we actually don’t need. At first I was a little skeptical about the bidet toilet seats if they really help to preserve nature. After a time we no longer had toilet paper in our house, the consumption of electricity and water is negligible. The bidet toilet seat has proved itself.
About products
- What is a Bidet seat
- How it works
- How to use it
- Why use it
- Hygiene
- Health
- Comfort
- Ecology
- Cost efficiency
- Economical
- Self-confidence
- Instalation guide - Do it yourself
- On existing toilet
- Installation guide: Renovation
- About Electric Bidets
- About Non-Electric Bidets
- About All In One
- About Hand-held Bidets
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- Non-Electric Bidets